Saturday, April 12, 2008

Restored Hope

I have mentioned [bitched] before about kids in restaurants and how parents are oblivious as to how much they disturb other folks.

I also have read horror stories from Diary Of The Food Whore about guests and their children in her restaurant.

However, last night I gained hope for our future generation. My faith in humanity was restored.

Hubby and I went to Puccini's for dinner last night. On a side note, I recommend it.

At a nearby table two women and a young toddler were enjoying dinner. He had been relatively quiet, quieter than the laughing bitch in my right ear. Some women should not drink in public.

They were leaving as we were leaving when I noticed the mess on the floor around the highchair. I mean seriously - a mess.

The mother asked for the "bissel" to clean up. They told her she didn't have to do that - she replied "yes, I do."



Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I always cleaned up my baby's mess in a restaurant, and removed him if he decided it was time to make a scene.

I have one horror story, however. He sat merrily giggling through an entire meal at our favorite steakhouse. Afterward, I checked under the table to clean up and found a stalagtite of diarhea! He'd been singing and pooping right out his pantleg.

His father and I immediately set about finding cleaning supplies from the owners of this family-owned restaurant, and they've have NOTHING to do with letting us clean up. NOTHING.

I believe we left them a $40 tip on a $25 bill.

nejyerf said...

i worked in a restaurant all through high school and i can honestly say that i really didn't mind children making a mess. it is expected.

what i didn't like, were the parents who sat eating, blithely ignoring the child who was running throughout the dining room rather than sitting and eating his meal like a good boy.