Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I like bars.

I know you are not surprised. There are many great reasons to like bars, but I have found a new one.

There are no kids in bars.

I know I sound like a scrooge, but when I go to dinner with my husband - I am not there to babysit your kids.

Last evening, my husband and I were eating out because we both had long days and no one wanted to cook. We were having a nice quiet meal - not even talking to each other much - did I mention long day and tired?

A couple seated close had three kids - teenager, 3ish year old, and baby in highchair. 3ish was done eating and visiting everyone around her. Parents? Oblivious.

Yes she is cute, yes she is charming - no she isn't my responsibility.

Get a sitter? Get a life? Get some manners?


mgc said...

i am with you on this - have some respect for others enjoyment.

Cory said...

I love kids, but I hope I would never be the kind of parent who allowed this kind of crap. I waited tables for years and one of my friends referred to the kids in her section as "bugs." Less offensive than "little fuckers."