Friday, March 21, 2008

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Why do I have more zits at 40+ than I ever had as a teenager?

Why is it easier to get up early on your day off than on a work day?

What is the difference in Scalloped Potatoes and Potatoes au Gratin?

Why do people look up when they are thinking?

Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

Why did God give men nipples?

It is scary in this mind of mine.


MysteryGirl said...

Fabulous questions. Unfortunately I don't have answers for any of them.

Kim said...

1. Don't know but I do too.
2. I can't ever get up early.
3. Scalloped potatoes don't have cheese - au Gratin means with cheese.
4. Hoping GOD will help?
6. Ummmmm....

You ever been accused of thinking too much? :)

nejyerf said...

1) too much chocolate?
2) i have the same problem
3)scalloped potatoes are creamy and au gratin is with cheese. where i come from people always misprounce scalloped...they say "scalped"
4)beats me
5)they can but really shouldn't. at least in broad daylight
6)that thought makes my head hurt

Melody said...

Aaah - cheese. Isn't that always the best answer.