Sunday, May 13, 2007


As per our tradition, we went to Morton's Steak House tonight for our anniversary. Seven years!

As I mentioned recently, I quit eating red meat. I really haven't missed it and it has caused me to be more creative with our meals and not rely on drive thrus at all.

When I quit, I knew we would be going and fully planned on eating steak this one special night. And I did.

My husband too has quit eating red meat. He basically will follow my lead on any food adventure. His biggest sorrow is a really good hamburger. Mine has been steak.

My husband didn't even get steak, he typically doesn't. They have a Shrimp Alexander dish that he loves and he also got lobster bisque. He loves seafood and enjoyed it all.

The confliction is that I didn't enjoy it near as much as I used to and to be honest, don't feel so great right now.

I guess that is good, but I feel a bit forlorn for our traditional celebration locale.

I guess we need to start a new tradition for the next seven years.


MysteryGirl said...

Hmmmm. I've never been there because I haven't eaten red meat since I was like 15. Except for that hot dog once in college...thanks Christine. But steak places always seem to have good substitutes for steak as your husband found out. By your next anniversary you won't even be tempted by the idea of steak. You won't want it at all. Go with the chicken or seafood.

Happy Anniversary!

Melody said...

My choices are limited. I can't eat seafood and they have one lame chicken dish.

I could however, make a meal out the sides. The best asparagus with hollaindaise...mmmmm.

MysteryGirl said...

Ok...that sucks about the seafood. I tried to make it work for you. You guys need to find a new place! haha

Anonymous said...

Time for a new place - may I suggest italy?

Melody said...

Wouldn't that be wonderful! Do you know a good tour guide? :-)