Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have also been working with Cady on saying her prayers. Cause God knows if there is a dog that needs a little forgiveness - it is her.

She isn't as smooth as this dog is, but we are getting there. She'll put her paws on the bench and rest her head on it. We're still working on bending the head down without removing the paws - plus that whole "where is the treat" obsession.


Kim said...

Melody, about the dizzies - I am on meds for high blood pressure, so I wonder if that may be the cause.

Do you have high blood pressure? I've been trying to find a cause for these for years now - but I have had the high BP for that long too, so who knows?

Melody said...

I have been on meds for high BP since I was 30. Let me do the math for you - 15 years. And the dizzies probably started about 10-12 years ago.

Do you see little fireworks in your peripheral sometimes?

Kim said...

Yup I do, not too often thou. I lived with the dizzies for a long time without consulting a Dr, then went to see the last Harry Potter movie with my son last summer - all of a sudden I has a huge flash go off IN my head. Imagine an old camera flash. I missed most of the movie because I was so concerned I had had a stroke! No pain, no noise - just a huge flash then gone. A couple days later, while talking to a co-worker, I had a mini flash/pop in my forehead.

This is why the neurologist told me I had a funny brain, because these things only happened once...kinda like a stroke or heart attack!

So maybe it is all related to the BP. Time to try to lose weight again URGH :)