Friday, May 30, 2008

It was my first time.

Behind closed doors this week, George W. Bush quietly hosted a fundraiser for John McCain that raised $3.5 million from about 500 Republican donors.

No cameras were allowed into the event, and the two were only captured on film together at the airport -- even then for just 27 seconds as they got into a car to be whisked to the exclusive event.

A pattern is emerging. McCain is going to extraordinary lengths to conceal the fact that at the very foundation of his campaign -- its policy positions and now the money driving it -- is George W. Bush.

The Obama campaign has a different approach.

Over the past year, more than 1.5 million individual supporters have contributed to this campaign, giving an average of less than $100.

I was one of them. Yes I made my first political contribution. May I remind you all that I am a registered Republican.

McCain is running to continue George Bush's failed policies for another term, and he's relying on the Bush fundraising machine of Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs to drive his campaign.

The Obama campaign has never accepted money from Washington lobbyists or PACs. But in order to compete with one that does, it's going to take every one of us stepping up and owning a piece of this movement.

I've never asked any of you for money before, but if you can - I encourage you to make a donation today.

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