Thursday, May 29, 2008

How much?

Lots, super lots.

That is how much I love strawberries.

I received a quart AND a pint in my CSA basket yesterday. I am in a tither as to what to do with these precious gems.

Should it be homemade strawberry pie with shortbread crust? Or maybe homemade cardamon shortcakes with fresh berries and fresh whipped cream? Or maybe some white chocolate fondue to dip these little jewels in?

I don't know where to start first.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Yes. Make them all. I'll be right over.

Kim said...

See I would have just eaten them all while pondering what to make. My favs are raspberries and I get a bunch from a friend each summer - like 8-10 pints. And yup....most just get washed and eaten - some get frozen.

Melody said...

gnightgirl: I think I just might. Come on over.

kim: how do you know I didn't munch on them?