I am both humbled and honored to receive the Blog of Distinction Award from Jen over at Calling Dr. Bombay.
This award was started by Working Mum On The Verge to recognize blogs that make you laugh, cry, think or sigh.
This comes as a surprise and with mutual admiration. Jen's witty observations and not so subtle satire keeps me smiling day after day.
It also places the responsibility of passing this honor on to blogs that have provided me with humor, interest, and information. Therefore I pass this award on to:
Stephanie at Dispensing Happiness. How could I not? With all her blog parties, blogging by mail, and recipes - she provides me hours of entertainment on a weekly basis.
Fightin' Mad Mary over at The Customer Is Always Right for her product/restaurant reviews, commentary on the modern and not so modern man, and recent star sightings. And of course the Wii tips.
Paul over at Wondering. For this city girl to constantly be drawn into his world of "living off the grid" in Arizona, you know there are some interesting topics being discussed. And then there is the scenery...aah! I miss the mountains, sometimes.
Gunfighter: A Warrior's Life has helped me recently discern my political position as well as made me laugh.
And last but not least, Lori over at This Just In. If you have been to Lori's blog, I don't need to tell you why. She inspires us all to be more than we are and to give of ourselves frequently as it all comes back in multitudes.
Thank you, thank you very much.
Wow...Thanks so much! I read two of the blogs you mentioned (other than mine of course) and now I've found two more good ones (other than yours of course)
Hey, thanks for the mention. I am so grateful for this award, and I hope you don't mind if I take a moment to acknowledge all of the people that made this happen.
First I'd like to thank Captain James T. Kirk, for being my role model, and Carl Sagan for Cosmos. I would like to thank Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for entertaining me with their wonderful characters. I would also like to thank James Webb for writing "Something To Die For" which had a great influence on my life.
I'd like to thank.... oh, wait, there's the music!
PS: I'm mentioned in the same post as Fightin' Mad MAry? How cool is that?! I love her blog.
Thank you!
I'm in a blogging slump at the moment due to good weather and a desire to spend as much time outside as possible. You've inspired me to post more Grand Canyon photos.
Also, I'll be flying into Louisville on June 3 and back out on June 17. Its a trip to visit children and grandchildren in Campbellsville. Perhaps Julie and I can meet you for a cup of coffee.
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