Sunday, March 16, 2008


I think I need to evaluate what has brought me to this point.

The point of realization that I have spent more hours than I care to admit watching this for the past week.

Honestly, I think my husband is dragging me to the dark side.


Kim said...

OH NO! My FIL mentioned to my husband last night at dinner that there is 4 hour Battlestar marathon on SCIFI or Space on Friday.

At least DH will go to FIL's place to watch it and I won't have to :)

Nina said...

These kinds of Sci-Fi shows make me angry. I have enough of a hard time believing what real life can dole out, let alone "fantasy".
I'm sorry you've been subjected to these shananigans.

Melody said...

The sad part is I am enjoying it. I even am embarrassed to admit - I had a dream about it.

In reality - it is just a soap opera in the future.