Wednesday, July 18, 2007

To Bed Or Not To Bed

Do I want a headboard?


Do I want an entirely new bed?

Mmmm. Not new mattress/box springs, but maybe a new frame and headboard. No footboard (dogs will kill theirselves).

Do I want to make the headboard?

I have before. There are some great ideas out there.

Like this one with mirrors.

Or this one using bifold doors.

Or this one...oooh aaah!

Do I want to be normal and traditional?

Not usually, but it seems the easier route at this point. Have I mentioned how overwhelmed I have become in decorating the new house?

Should think of something quirky, like us?

This one is from West Elm and I do like it - but she ain't cheap.

I am drowning in despair - someone help or at the very least bring me a margarita!


MysteryGirl said...

oohhhh! I do like the one from West Elm. I say go for it.
You must celebrate your new house by having this bed in it!

Anonymous said...

I think you should make your own. Cheaper, you'll appreciate looking at it, and pride in your work.
Sure, the last one is sexy, but so are the other two. Go for it - you're creative enough!