Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Room With A View

Outside our master bathroom is a huge magnolia tree in full bloom. I love to look out there and see the gorgeous fragrant blooms. We also have a skylight that provides even more of a view of the great foliage this tree provides.

The magnolia tree also provides a safe home for a new mama and her baby birds. I discovered this quite by accident one day and have snuck up to the window several times to watch her feed and have seen the babies growing bigger and bigger.

She spotted me while trying to take a photo so she sent all the babies down in the nest to hide.

The birds are getting so big that she has to sit on the edge because they require all the room the nest provides.
I was walking outisde a day or two after this and a baby bird was hopping around on the ground. Apparently it was time for mama bird to untie the apron strings and let her fledglings fly (or fall) away. It didn't seem to know how to fly as it just kept hopping around under the tree.

The magnolia tree provides many low branches it could have reached but it seemed lost. I know it is the order of nature but I only hoped that no predator was around - like the snake - or that it didn't make its way into the fenced yard where my dogs are. Bear means no harm but he is a hunter at heart - he frequently brings me moles and sadly yes, birds.

Fly little birdie - fly.

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