Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Gourmet? No. Good Eats? Yes

As many of you know, I love to cook and entertain. I like to try new recipes and foods. Some work, some don't. I would never call myself gourmet though. I'm usually on a short time clock and need something good fast. Not always easy to pull off.

Last night I did.

I purchased thin crispy pizza crusts in the deli section of our local - gulp - WalMart. Yes I entered the feared halls of skank and rudeness. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes a girl has gotta do what...well you know.

I digress. I had purchased the crusts over the weekend so when I got home from work with a starving husband, semi-comatose from lack of blood sugar, crashed on the couch awaiting some sustenance - I went all "door knock dinner" commando style.

Picture this - me in the refrigerator - ass up in the air digging out forgotten morsels and green things that shouldn't be green. Okay, don't picture it. I really have to clean that frig soon.

What did I find? Some marinated fresh mozzarella, baby spinach, red onions and prosciutto ham. I didn't take a picture - sorry it was a matter of life and death. But this one is close.

Helluva good pizza resulted from my search and rescue in the frig. Must try that more often.


MysteryGirl said...

OMG! If I ever create something that looks that good my husband will probably just drop dead from shock.

Anonymous said...

Here's where I confess.
I too, went to WalMart this week. There's this new "neighborhood market" that's all green and soothing. Most unlike the Big WalMart. It's now the closest grocery to my house besides the PicPac which specializes in multiple packs of meat for $10. So you know what? Sometimes, I'm gonna swallow my WalMart hatred and run in for an avocado or some cheese. Just don't tell anyone.

Melody said...

No worries, your secret is safe with me.