Monday, April 30, 2007

Food That Causes You To Moan

We've all had something, somewhere that when it hit your taste buds you could not refrain from moaning audibly. It might have been ice cream, cheesecake, or your first bite of creme brule'.

Tonight I experienced an oral orgasm...............Don't go there.

Starting with a recipe from Michael Chiarello, making it a little more my own and some inspiration from a fellow foodie - I made a new dish that will become a staple in our home from this day forward.
I followed the recipe completely, except for making 1/2 size. I did add a couple things to make it a little more wonderful.

I toasted some cashews and added them on each squash layer.

I finished with a pasta layer, then coated it in bechamel sauce. Instead of adding cheese at this point, I covered it with panko bread crumbs, a few more cashews and drizzled some butter on top.

I baked it for 25 minutes uncovered and then 25 minutes tented with foil. I took the foil off for the final 10 - Baking 1 hour total.

It was cheesy, creamy, crunchy, sweet, salty and just wonderful!

Not difficult to make, just time consuming. I roasted the squash last night and mixed it with the ricotta and other ingredients so I was ready to go tonight. It was just making the sauce and boiling noodles and assembling.

I am actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow so I can it for lunch. How silly.


Anonymous said...

Panko! How clever are you? Totally trying that next time.

Anonymous said...

Yummy. Are you some type of chef somewhere or something? What was the last post about holding a national convention with food of sorts???? Fill me in!
This recipe made a delicious looking dish. Sounds like a lot of work, though.

Melody said...

Not a chef, just a regular ol' peon.

The convention was not food related, but you know how they constantly feed you at those things.

This recipe wasn't hard, just took a little more time than your average week night meal. It helps to make the squash filling ahead of time.

Where have you been stranger?