Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Crafty

Maybe it is the spring weather, maybe it is because of our flea market trip Friday, or maybe it is because I have been spending too much time on Pinterest, but I got crafty this weekend.

I am not good at the before photos, sorry. But after, I have covered.

Spray paint is my new best friend. Find objects that are interesting, structurally. Ignore the surface color or finish. And you have brand new room décor.

This particular vase was navy, green and gold lacquer finish - bleck! Joe Edmiston disparaged it when I purchased it, but I knew its hidden beauty and value.

This little guy was a faded, ghastly grayish-green. But now...

This was your typical country décor, wooden red apple. Ha! Now it is funky shelf décor.

I have had these sconces for years. They were a Southern Living At Home Product. Gold, cream, stripes, metallic - definitely time for an upgrade.

So this venture encouraged me to be brave and create art....from scratch.

Liquid watercolors, clear glue, and salt resulted in this.

I learned lots and will do it again, but I am pleased with my first try. I actually had a pattern in mind and I see it, but not sure anyone else will. Let me know if you think you know what supposed to be.