Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Plan B and C

On the menu for tonight's dinner was chicken empanadas and an avocado, asparagus, orange salad.

So much for best laid plans.

I got home later than I planned and empanadas are a good 1 1/2 hours away with thawing puff pastry, cooking chicken, and then baking the things. Okay, what else can I make?

So I cut the chicken into skewer size chunks, marinated it in some spanish spices, i.e. cumin, coriander, paprika, garlic and oregano. While it was marinated and grill was heating up, I shaved the asparagus, mixed it with tomatoes, red onions, orange segments, and avocados. What a beautiful salad!

Then I took mayonnaise, fresh parsley and some capers and pureed them for a dipping sauce for the chicken. Worth licking the spoon on that one.

So I go to put the chicken on the grill and we are out of propane. Aaaah!

Back in and switch out the cooktop the grill and start heating it up.

In the end, we finally had dinner and it tasted good, but maybe empanadas would have been easier.

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