Thursday, July 09, 2009

New Oscar

We are doing a temporary foster for another foster while she is out of town this weekend. I think this may confuse our dogs though. This dog's name is Oscar, just like the first foster we had.

Isn't he a handsome boy? He looks like Tramp from My Three Sons - okay, I just dated myself.

The only difference, and you can't see this in the photo, is he only has 3 legs. He was found as a stray and surviving fine. Dogs are so amazing. What would traumatize us humans is a walk in the park (literally) for them.

We will have Oscar until Monday. However Tuesday comes back for a week-long visit on Saturday (confused yet?).

Our doggie door is a revolving one.


La Vita e BELLA - Life is Beautiful said...

WoW 5 dogs at one time

Chubskulit Rose said...

i agree, he is so handsome..

got here from ppp..