Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Words of Wisdom

I am a big on quotes, both inspirational and ironic. At my desk both at work and home I have little post-its of sayings or pages of daily calendars from years gone by with a favorite quote.

Some examples are:

"I'm not working to change the world, just my world."

"If going for what I want makes me a bitch, so be it."
The list goes on and on.

So when I found a place where I could special order phrases in my choice of font, color and size for the walls - the hardest part became the choice of "what quote?"

I chose the front entry foyer for the location and decided on two, one on the bulkhead as you come in the door, and one over the door to view on your way out.

I consulted my husband for his opinion since he would have to look at it as much as I. Not surprisingly I received some smart ass options as well as some good ones.

The smart ass ones:
"This space left intentionally blank."

"Schools ain't what they used to be and never was."

The one he did send that I really liked and chose was:

And then I added this one.

There are several places out there that do this. However, I can recommend Words Anywhere for their selection and service. Their shipping is amazingly fast and the application is really easy. And for the record, I got nothing for saying that. I just really like their products.

I am trying really hard not to fill all my rooms with quotes.

Because I easily could.


buffalodick said...

I like quotes. They are like a story with a moral, but shorter...

LisaRene said...

What a lovely way to personalize your home.

I guess my philosophy is summed up in the following, which I stole from another blog:

"Eat, drink and be merry. For tomorrow there's just more crap to do."

Clearly I need a more positive mantra!

nejyerf said...

i like this idea.

how about: life is short. eat dessert first.

that would be good for your kitchen, where you make so many delicious desserts.

my mother used to put up a new quote in the bathroom every week. so we could sit on the pot and have something interesting to ponder.

MysteryGirl said...

I love his smart ass comments! I was almost crying from laughing so hard. He is seriously too much!