Saturday, August 02, 2008

I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but...

I took Bear to the vet today for what I thought was an ear infection but turned out to be allergies. No big surprise there. Why shouldn't he have what the rest of us have?

While there, she asked about Murphy. I told her he was basically the same - sleeps a lot, leaks a little, eating fine. Other than the leaking, really not any different than the past couple years.

She asked about how the subcu hydration was going and I told her that after 10 days he refused to let us stick him again and I wasn't going to force him. She seemed surprised that he hadn't been hydrated in basically two months, but was still doing the same. No significant weight loss, no increased thirst, still has a good appetite.

She suggested that I bring him back in for a urine culture. There is a chance - mind you, just a chance - that the bad UTI he had might have altered the lab results and led them to think the kidneys were worse than they are.

In other words, there is a chance he might not be a in kidney failure....I am almost afraid to type that.

In reality, he obviously is having some incontinence issues, but he is 14 - that is 91 in human years so hey - I'm sure if I am alive at 91 - I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing a diaper.

I am so excited, but trying not to be overly excited. She said by all rights and based on the lab values back in May (showing the kidneys 70-75% gone), without the hydration he should much worse if not already gone.

I'm thinking about getting a doggy t-shirt made for him that says "Born Again Poodle".

Keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Fightin' Mad Mary said...

Such good news, I hope he is born again!