Saturday, July 26, 2008

I know it's morbid, but I am trying to plan ahead.

Many people arrange their own funerals, pick out their own caskets, and pay for the services long before they are gone. Not a bad idea that I'll consider for myself someday.

But today was different. Today we went shopping for a perfect box/container that will be Murphy's final resting place.

No, he isn't gone yet. He is doing pretty good. He still eats fine and frequently plays with the other dogs. In between that, he sleeps - a lot.

He is also losing a little weight. I know we are on borrowed time. They said weeks to months. It has been over two months.

But I want to be prepared so that when I see him suffering even the slightest, nothing will have to delay relieving him of that pain. We want to make it special by having his favorite blanket in there and sneak a few treats in with him "for the road".

I know some may find this morbid, but I think it is the least I can do for this special fella who has lived and breathed for 14 years each day just to see me and snuggle with me.

It is the least.

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