Friday, March 07, 2008

Winter Just Won't Go Away

We currently have 3 inches of snow in Louisville with another 8 predicted over the next 24 hours. I think that translates to us being "snowed in" for the weekend.
I don't mind. I have many projects to keep me busy at home.
However, I can't help but to start an inventory in my head of the food in our house. What can I make with what I have?
You see Friday night or Saturday is usually grocery day for me.
This could be a good thing. It might make us clean out of the cupboards.


Kim said...

We are in the same boat - however, my DH watches the Weather network - like for fun! and so we knew ahead of time - we did groceries yesterday b4 the storm hit us. We too are expecting about 8".

A nice weekend to just stick inside and do nothing if you ask me :)

Melody said...

Yeah they warned us, but they are always wrong. We live on the southside of the Ohio River and north of us always gets lots (I know I used to live there), but in Louisville we never get what they try to scare you with.

This time I was wrong. We got 11".

LisaRene said...

I bet you come up with some real creative concoctions for dinner this weekend based on what you have in your panty. It's fun to work with what you have, a bit like a Food Network challenge!

Stay warm!