Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vegetarians Look Away

Before the viral tsunami that hit This Just In, The Traveling McMahans, and Dott Comments came knocking on my door, I did a little cooking.

These were the most beautiful ribeyes I have ever laid my eyes on. Look how thick they are!

They tasted great as well. I wish I had smell-a-vision. Seasoned with only pepper and salt - they were the bomb.

I just love Fresh Market. They have the best produce, meat and prepared sides for those nights you just don't have enough time. I really think they beat the heck out of Whole Foods - but that is just my opinion.

And for dessert - the brownie recipe to die for.

With ingredients like these....

Why wouldn't this taste good?

I didn't even do the ganache icing because it just seemed like too much. These are super rich.


Kim said...

Oh nummy! I'm not even a big steak fan but those look delicious!

When are you inviting me over for dinner? :)

Melody said...

Come on over!

mistylea said...

Do I see the evil "Great Value" brand sneaking in? :)
Looks yummy! Much better than my baked potato I am going to have for lunch.

Melody said...

What? Where? Huh? I don't know what you could be talking about?

nejyerf said...

those brownie are beautiful. how did you get them so thick?

i gotta have the recipe. unless it is too complicated, which in that case i'll just wait for you to send me a box!!!

and that reminds me....the card you sent? i LOVE it. not only for the song, but for the fact that is it sparkly. you might not know this, but i love all things sparkly. i'm like freakin' liberace!

i keep the card in my desk and when i need a quick pick-me-up i open the drawer and open the card. the other people in my office are probably getting sick of my "new attitude" by now!!

Melody said...

It wasn't too complicated. Just click on the link and take a look. I made a mistake on the recipe and put in 6 oz. of chocolate in the batter because I was looking at the ganache ingredients by mistake. It was only supposed to be 3 oz. of chocolate. These are some rich babies. But no worries, they are being consumed.