Monday, November 26, 2007

Ten Possibly Passive Aggressive Statements

Pony Rides and Monkey Pictures shared this little exercise with us. I find it intriguing and decided to play along.

You say ten things to ten different people, without identifying the people or qualifying the remarks. Here goes:

1. Get over it, life is not always fair.
2. You hurt me frequently, and deeply.
3. You sway with the wind. Pick a conviction and stick with it.
4. I envy how comfortable you are in your skin.
5. You aren't as great as you think you are.
6. You are my hero.
7. I wish I was as good as you think I am.
8. I truly wish evil things happen to you, and soon.
9. I wish I could meet you in person.
10. You challenge me to do better and it pisses me off.

Try it. It is almost like therapy.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

8. I truly wish evil things happen to you, and soon.

I would LOVE...LOVE to be able to say this to my ex.