Friday, August 24, 2007

What Kind Of World Do We Live In?

I am constantly saddened by the news reports across the country. In the past week alone, these have made me react emotionally and negatively:

Seymour woman charged with pimping 12-year-old girl

Hundreds of abused dogs rescued

Man charged with putting child in dryer

Couey: 'I'm Sure I'll Get the Death Penalty'

I've never been for or against the death penalty - truly never given it much thought. I still don't know how I feel - but I wonder what it would take to get people's attention and bring about some sense of accountability.

1 comment:

MysteryGirl said...

Couey should not have received the death penalty. He's now sitting in a private cell on death row at Florida State Prison. He'll be there around 12 years before he actually dies. Then the day will come when they'll wheel him down and inject him and that will be it. Simple.
Not cruel enough if you ask me. He should have been given a life sentence and placed in the general prison population. The other prisoners would have taken him out within days and in ways that he'll never experience. He got the easy way out. I would love to see him placed in plastic bags and buried alive.
I could go on and on about this. Maybe I'll save my rant for a post on my own blog someday. haha
I agree with you, what kind of world do we live in?