Saturday, May 12, 2007

Polenta Pizza

I can't tell you how good this was.
So let me show you.
It really wasn't hard. I made the roasted corn and sage polenta the night before and put it in a cake pan so it was about 1/2 thick. Refrigerate it overnight.

Then you cut into squares or whatever shape you want. These were about 3x3 and I got six out of the batch. I am thinking about small squares for appetizers in the future. I would make them a little thinner for that type of application.

I pan fried them in butter until they were crispy on both sides. Then I placed them on a cookie sheet, topped with a small amount of marinara, rotisserie chicken from the deli, some sliced red onion and finally a slice of provolone cheese. A few minutes in the oven and voila!

Note: Because there are just two of us - I purposely made a half batch of the polenta. However, in the future - I might make a double. Because they are good in the frig for a week or so and you could do so much with them:

  • Fry and just eat like potato cakes.
  • Top with some goat cheese and drop or two of good balsamic (mmmmm).
  • Make a mexican tostada with them as the base.
  • Use as bread for a sandwich.

The possibilities are endless.


MysteryGirl said...

As usual, it looks delicious! And thanks for the great ideas!

Melody said...

I think I am serving them this weekend at my dinner party with the goat cheese and balsamic on top. Paired with roasted rosemary chicken and balsamic carrots, it should be a hit.