Tuesday, January 23, 2007

{Loud Obnoxious Buzzer}

All four of the houses in my previous post were rejected for one reason or another. However others that we viewed were good and this is currently the top three list:

This list is always subject to change as we continue to view other homes. Who knew it would be so difficult to find that perfect home. Allygator Alley made it seem so easy.

Here are a few we will be viewing this weekend. The selections are getting nicer and more specific to what we want, which has evolved as well. And of course, more expensive.

This weekend we plan to inform the in-laws of our moving plans. We haven't mentioned anything at this point because of several reasons:

  • My mother-in-law has both AADD and beginnings of Alzheimer's - she would forget or worry or both (and probably still will but we've delayed it a bit).
  • My father-in-law is in general annoying as hell. He would call too frequently asking all kinds of questions over and over again (again, still will).
  • Our house is officially listed now, if something had happened that caused us to change our mind during preapproval, inspection, etc. - why bother telling them until we were sure.
  • Though they too live in Louisville, we are intentionally looking for houses on the opposite side of town. I know that sounds cold, but we both work and are not in the caregiver career path.


MysteryGirl said...

I especially love the ones with the red brick. I love that southern style. I miss living in ATL when I see those. Everything on this side of the world is u-g-l-y. Be glad you don't live out here.

Christine said...

LOVE the house w/the flat front and black shutters (is it stucco? siding?)...but they are all wonderful!

Melody said...

Looked like stucco to us as well, but upon arrival we were very disappointed with siding.

Great house inside, but it was too close to an interstate (could hear it in the backyard) and then the whole siding thing.