Friday, September 29, 2006

Rude Awakening

I am the first to say I love prepackaged salads, greens, and what have you. They are convenient, yummy, and let's face it, we'd eat less salads if they weren't around.

Well this whole e-coli scare on spinach has made me start thinking more about what we put in our bodies with so much trust. These bags profess prewashing so I have always just opened and dished it out. After reading this article - no more.

I believe I will go back to fresh bunches of greens and go back to washing them.

1 comment:

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Oh, I read that too, and I'm going through the same thing; have been buying open leaf lettuce and washing the hell out of it.

I did, yesterday, though, hem and haw around the carrots, and decide that peeling and cutting them was more than I could bare...