Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Freudian Onion Rings

Can you imagine a server delivering this to your table? How do they keep a straight face?

I will let you know as I just have to visit our newest restaurant addition soon, just for the laughs.


Cory said...

Sure, presentation is important, but if the food is great it doesn't need to be displayed on its own special contraption. How was it?

Melody said...

I haven't been yet. But our friends went and said it was good.

I just can't get passed the phallic onion rings.

mgc said...

red robin is great. try the honey mustard chicken burger and you will get over the penis rings after you try them... get a side of bbq sauce to dip the rings in!

Becky said...

i never thought about those like that. but then i never order them to see them up close like that. who woulda thought onion rings would be a phallic symbol?!

MysteryGirl said...

They look delicious. If I ate them, I would be sick for days. Let us know how they are if you try them. Actually this reminds me of a banana split I ate in Paris. All in the presentation indeed!

Dale said...

Buh-bye, now.